Aeration Basins Sluice Gates Replacement

Closed July 09, 2024, 10:00 AM

  • Reference Number24-020
  • StatusClosed
  • SummarySealed Proposals will be received by the Assistant City Manager at the City of Belton Public Works Facility located at 700 Seabee Road, Belton, Missouri 64012 until Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at the Administration Building (Building A) until 10:00 a.m., local time, at which bidding will be closed.


Public Works Department

Aeration Basins Sluice Gates Replacement

Project Description

This project involves the selection of a Contractor to procure, demo and install two 36” x 36” sluice gates within the aeration basin. The new 304L stainless steel sluice gates will include 36” x 36” slide gates, external thimble, neoprene seals, 1.5” 304 stainless steel stem, stem guide, pedestal mounted operator with bevel crank, clear stem cover, and stop nuts. Contractor is to remove and dispose of the existing defective sluice gates and any parts and connections, as needed.

RFP documents can be seen (viewing low resolution images online is free) or purchased for a non-refundable fee online at in their online Plan Room. For access assistance, please contact Drexel directly by phone at 913-471-4430 or by email at Information regarding this RFP can be found in the “Public Jobs” link on Drexel’s website. 

The Public Works Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids not deemed acceptable.

Addendums 1, 2, and 3 are available.