Proposals will be received by the City of Belton Community Planning & Building Department for the City's Comprehensive Plan until 3:00 p.m. local time on May 5, 2023, at which time the project will be closed.
The City of Belton, Missouri is seeking the services of a multi-disciplinary Consultant team to facilitate a community planning process and create an innovative and thoughtful Comprehensive Plan. The Plan should clearly communicate Belton’s vision for the community and serve as a guiding document for the growth and development of the City for a minimum of 15 years and beyond. This Request for Proposal package describes the scope of work and submittal requirements. Compliance with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations is required.
Sealed proposals can be mailed to City of Belton, Attn: Matt Wright, Director of Community Planning & Building 520 Main Street, Belton MO 64012. Please download the Belton MO Comprehensive Plan RFP under Related Information for submittal information.
Questions: Questions regarding proposals or technical questions should be made in writing to Matt Wright at by April 28th, 2023 at 5:00pm. The written requirements in this RFP shall not be changed or superseded except by written addendum. Failure to comply with the written requirements for this proposal may result in rejection of the proposal.
Statement of Interest: All parties intending to submit a proposal under this RFP must contact the City of Belton and provide an email address by no later than 5:00 pm. April 28th, 2023. This address will be used for official communications from the City, including notice of any addendums. All addenda will also be posted on the City’s website.