City of Belton, Missouri
RFQ Number 21-029
On-Call Professional HVAC Services
Sealed qualifications will be received by the Public Works Director of the City of Belton at Belton City Hall, 506 Main Street, Belton, Missouri, 64012 until 10:00 a.m., local time, on December 21, 2021. On all requests and correspondence, please reference RFP Number 21-029.
The City of Belton is requesting RFQ documents to provide city wide on-call professional HVAC services. The work will include but is not limited to the maintenance of HVAC systems. The contractor must have an HVAC business license with the City of Belton.
RFQ documents can be seen (viewing low resolution images online is free) or purchased for a non-refundable fee online at in their online Plan Room. For access assistance, please contact Drexel directly by phone at 913-471-4430 or by email at Information regarding this RFQ can be found in the “Public Jobs” link on Drexel’s website.
Requests for information related to this RFQ should be directed to:
Shelby Bigby