West Belton I&I Rehabilitation

Closed August 02, 2024, 10:00 AM

  • Reference NumberRFP 24-024
  • StatusClosed
  • SummarySealed proposals will be received by the Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director of the City of Belton at the City of Belton Public Works Facility Building A, Missouri, 64012 until 10:00 a.m., local time, on August 2, 2024, at which bidding will be closed.

    Addendum 1 is available online at www.drexeltech.com in their online Plan Room.


City of Belton, Missouri

RFP Number 24-024

West Belton I&I Rehabilitation


Project Description

This project involves sealing sanitary sewer manholes and pipe to eliminate known inflow and infiltration issues within the City's sanitary sewer system. The work will be located in West Belton. Specific manhole and pipe locations will be provided by the City to the Contractor once they are determined. The Contractor must include with the proposal the method they propose to seal each item. Proposals will be reviewed for price, materials, and length of repair.

RFP documents can be seen (viewing low resolution images online is free) or purchased for a non-refundable fee online at www.drexeltech.com in their online Plan Room. For access assistance, please contact Drexel directly by phone at 913-471-4430 or by email at distribution@drexeltech.com. Information regarding this RFP can be found in the “Public Jobs” link on Drexel’s website. 

On all requests and correspondence, please reference RFP Number 24-024.