Public Works Department
Groundwater Monitoring Wells Closures
Project Description
Six (6) groundwater monitoring wells located at the former City of Belton Public Works Facility require permanent closure. The site is located at 1201 Street Barn Lane in Belton, Cass County, Missouri and is approximately 23 acres of land that was developed by the City of Belton as a City maintenance and storage lot. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) issued a No Further Action (NFA) letter dated September 2022 with limitations after the City filed a Restrictive Covenant on the property deed. The NFA and Restrictive Covenant were associated with the removal of former onsite Underground Storage Tanks (USTs). The six (6) groundwater monitoring wells each are 14 feet in depth and require closure to complete the City’s requirements.
Missouri Department of Natural Resources well abandonment procedures will be conducted in accordance with 10 CSR 23-4.080. The process will be performed by a permitted driller in the State of Missouri, and the registration forms will be completed and submitted to the MDNR, Well Installation Section, as required by the Water Well Drillers Act.
Please submit a bid proposal including all costs to perform the required work to properly abandon the wells and complete and file applicable reports in accordance with 10 CSR 23-4.080. The wells will be abandoned in the following manner:
- The concrete pad and well cover will be removed.
- The casing will be cut to two feet below ground surface.
- The well will be filled with bentonite chips and hydrated.
- The surface will be finished to match the existing surface.
- Abandonment forms will be completed and filed.
- A report will be provided to the City upon completion.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Assistant City Manager/Public Works at the City of Belton Public Works Facility located at 700 Seabee Road, Belton, Missouri, 64012 at the Administration Building (Building A) until 10:00 a.m., local time, on April 18, 2024, at which time bidding will be closed. All bids will be opened and read aloud. A late bid is one received after 10:00 a.m., local time, at the time and place of the opening as stated. The decision as to the correct time for the openings shall be made by the Assistant City Manager/Public Works and that decision shall be final. Proposals received after the deadline date and time will be returned unopened. It shall be the responsibility of those submitting a proposal to assure themselves that their proposal has been received by the City of Belton. The Public Works Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids not deemed acceptable.