Enhanced Enterprise Zone Board

At this time, the EEZ is not meeting

Meetings: As-needed

Location: City Hall Annex
520 Main St.
Belton, MO 64012

Staff Contact

Mike Ekey
Assistant City Manager of Economic Development and Community Engagement


The Enhanced Enterprise Zone Board is a board appointed by the Mayor with approval from the City Council. By Missouri statute, five of the members must be Belton residents, while two others are appointed by the taxing jurisdictions. The board is responsible for the review and assessment of all zone activities and must submit an annual report to the Missouri State Director of Economic Development. 


Dr. Andrew Underwood, School District - Term expires 6/23/2024
Art Myers, Cass County - Term expires 6/23/2024
Sally Smith, City of Belton - Term expires 6/23/2026
Ronald Branan, City of Belton - Term expires 6/23/2027
Vacant, City of Belton - Term expires 6/23/2027
Dave Clark, City of Belton - Term expires 6/23/2028
Tom MacPherson, City of Belton - Term expires 6/23/2028

Click here to view Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Click here to contact the Economic Development Department