Meetings: As-needed
Location: City Hall Annex
520 Main St.
Belton, MO 64012
Staff Contact
Matt Wright
Community Development Director
The Zoning Board of Adjustments is a five-member board appointed by the Mayor with approval from the City Council. This board acts on variances and appeals of the Unified Development Code. This board has the final say on these issues. Persons aggrieved by decisions of this board are required to appeal those decisions to the Cass County Circuit Court.
Robert Miller - Term expires 7/30/2025
Rusty Sullivan - Term expires 7/30/2026
David Daniels- Term expires 7/30/2027
Mary Cummings - Term expires 7/30/2028
Gregory Schrodt - Term expires 7/30/2029
Martha Frasher - Term expires 7/30/2027
Vacant - Term expires 7/30/2027
Vacant - Term expires 7/30/2027
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