The sale and use of fireworks are regulated in the City of Belton. See the information below for details. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Fire Marshal's office at 816-331-7969 or by email.
Fireworks are permitted to be sold by duly recognized civic groups, service clubs, charitable or church organizations located in the city of Belton. Sales may take place beginning no earlier than 8:00 AM on June 28 and end no later than midnight on July 4 each year. 
Applications for sales licenses must be made to the Fire Prevention Bureau by the close of business on June 1 or risk being denied. The application can be found at here(PDF, 315KB).
Application for a Temporary Use Permit is required and can also be found by clicking the link to Retail Fireworks Sales License Application(PDF, 315KB).
Only one fireworks sales license will be issued per 4,000 population. Those organizations that were issued a sales permit in 2010 are entitled to apply for and receive a permit so long as they continue to submit an application annually.
Applicants for license to sell fireworks are required to attend a mandatory safety meeting each year before the license is issued.
Beginning in 2011, fireworks retailers will not be required to hand out a list of restrictions with each sale. Instead, a sign is required that lists the restrictions. The possession, sale and/or use of Bottle Rockets, Sky Rockets and Roman Candles is prohibited in the City of Belton.
No fireworks may be discharged on public property including streets or parks. Fireworks may not be discharged from a moving vehicle of any type.
No fireworks may be discharged until 10:00 AM June 28. Fireworks discharge hours are from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM throughout the sales and use period ending at midnight on the 4th. Exceptions include: no fireworks use before noon on Sundays and discharge is permitted until midnight on the 4th of July only.
At least one of the minimum of two required fire extinguishers must be a pressurized water type. The maximum travel distance to a fire extinguisher is 35 feet.
No hay, straw, shavings or similar combustible materials that have not been treated to make them flame retardant shall be permitted within the fireworks sales location.
You can view a complete list of restrictions or see the fireworks regulation ordinance here(PDF, 212KB).