Upcoming Public Hearings, Community Meetings, & Public Notices

Public hearings/meetings give applicants, residents, and other interested parties the opportunity to review project applications and provide comments to staff and the designated Board/Commission reviewing the application


Planning Commission & Board of Zoning Adjustment (public hearings)

Public hearings give applicants, residents, and other interested parties the opportunity to review project applications and provide comments to staff and the designated Board/Commission reviewing the application. A public hearing is required to be held by the Planning Commission for the following applications: rezoning, special use permit, preliminary development plan, and vacation. A public hearing is required to be held by the Board of Zoning Adjustment for applications for variances. Meeting agendas for Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment will indicate if an application will have a public hearing and the order of the public hearing on the agenda.

Upcoming public hearings include the following applications:  

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Planning Commission meeting (6:00 PM, 520 Main St. - City Hall Annex)

  • An application submitted by Community Development staff for Unified Development Code (UDC) text amendments related to lead free plumbing materials in public and private plumbing systems connected to the public drinking water system.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Planning Commission meeting (6:00 PM, 520 Main St. - City Hall Annex)

  • A request by Community Development staff for Unified Development Code (UDC) text amendments to Chapter 4 (Accessory Uses and Structures), Chapter 6 (Agricultural and Residential Zoning Districts), Chapter 12 (Commercial, Industrial, Parks, Recreation and Public Use Zoning Districts), Chapter 22 (Landscaping and Screening), and Chapter 36 (Subdivision Regulations), for the purposes of amending, modifying, or creating standards for accessory structures/uses, building and site projections, residential plot plan requirements and related permitting and construction standards, landscaping, and platting. The requested amendments are intended to improve the effectiveness of the code, provide additional flexibilities and options for accessory uses, structures, and building projections, and enhance community aesthetics.


Community & Neighborhood Meetings

Upcoming Community & Neighborhood Meetings: 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - Building Belton: Land use and zoning updates to support local businesses (4:00-6:00 PM, Council Chambers, 520 Main St. - City Hall Annex)

  • Community Development staff will hold a town hall meeting to discuss proposed land use and zoning changes to begin the process of implementing the recently adopted 2050 Comprehensive Plan. This town hall meeting is intended to be open house-style with the opportunity to review proposed changes, provide feedback, and Q&A with staff. Staff will provide a brief presentation at 4:15 PM to summarize the proposed changes.


TBD - March 2025

  • Staff is currently researching best practices for short-term rentals and will present this information at a community meeting in March 2025 for consideration on how best to accommodate short-term rentals in Belton. 



Public Notices (for public comment/feedback without public hearing)

Certain processes do not require a public hearing or community meeting to be held, however, public comment/feedback is encouraged and accepted.

Notice of Proposed Voluntary Annexation

  • The City of Belton and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) are proposing to voluntarily annex MHTC’s right-of-way for two (2) sections of Route D (Holmes Road) from 155th Street to the Route 58 intersection and from the Route 58 intersection east to the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) Railroad tracks. This annexation would clearly define the current western and southern boundaries of the city limits in the northwest corner of the city. Comments in support of, in opposition to, or general inquires regarding this proposed voluntary annexation may be forwarded to Matt Wright, Community Development Director at mwright@belton.org, 816-892-1266, or at the City Hall Annex, 520 Main St., Belton, MO 64012.



Additional information on the above applications can be requested at the City Hall Annex, 520 Main St., Belton, MO, by phone at 816-892-1268, or by email at planning@belton.org