2022 Street Reconstruction Project
The streets included in the 2022 Street Reconstruction Project are from the Preliminary Street List discussed below. The 2022 Street Reconstruction Project will began in July 2022. This work includes asphalt mill and overlay and base repairs and is estimated to be completed by November. The estimated cost for these repairs is approximately $7.5 million. Click on 2022 Street Reconstruction Project Map(PDF, 2MB) for selected streets for Summer 2022.
Click on 2022 GO Bond Street Project Map(PDF, 5MB) for a map of the streets that are being reconstructed, as approved by the voters in April 2022.
Belton Streets PCI Rating
Prior to the first bond issuance in 2019, Belton partnered with Stantec Consulting Services, a nationally acclaimed company, to evaluate the pavement condition of City streets. Stantec drove each street in Belton with a specialized truck equipped with laser cameras and GPS to measure and evaluate roughness and pavement distresses, such as potholes, rutting, alligator cracking, etc. per industry standards. This data was used to develop a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) for each street segment. The overall PCI for Belton streets is "46" that equates to a "poor" condition. Click here for the 2019 PCI Rating Map(PDF, 24MB) for City streets.
Belton's PCI and other supplementary data were used as the basis for determining a preliminary list of streets to be repaired over the next 3 to 4 years using street bond funds in the amount of $21 million. Because the overall condition of Belton's streets is "poor" based upon the PCI, most of the streets need immediate repair. Staff partnered with Stantec to develop a process for determining a preliminary project list. This process included the following factors using a "worst first" approach:
- Repairing the "failed" streets that were mainly in residential areas and adding adjacent streets with the worst conditions to group improvements for continuity and more visual appeal;
- Prioritizing streets based on roughness, rideability, and site reconnaissance when streets had the same PCI;
- Ensuring that projects were distributed throughout all Wards in Belton.
The preliminary plan is estimated to cost around $21 million and includes 50.4 lane miles based on approximate costs and quantities for pavement resurfacing and base repair. Staff is in the process of walking each street to measure actual quantities of curb and gutter and base repair in order to finalize costs. Costs will also need to be included for maintenance and bond financing. If there are remaining funds, additional streets will be added to use the entire $21 million approved by voters.
Prior to scheduling projects, Staff will evaluate field conditions such as storm sewer pipe under the street and complete any needed repairs before the new asphalt is placed when appropriate and feasible.