Hargis Lake Combination Project

  • Project typeStorm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, and Water Line Improvement
  • Project value$5.4 million
  • Project scheduleSummer 2021 - Fall 2022
  • Contractor nameKissick Construction Company, Inc.
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Project Description/Information

This is an extensive project that involves upsizing existing storm sewer, installing new storm sewer in areas where it has previously not existed, upsizing sanitary sewer, and relocating water lines. Utility relocation has already begun in preparation of this project. Impacted residents can expect to experience street closures, traffic delays, construction in road right-of-way and easements, and loss of driveway access during work hours and/or while new curb cures. The contractor will hang a notice on doors at least two days prior to beginning work in residents' yards. This notice will have details and contractor contact information. Public Works understands that this is an invasive project and sincerely appreciates residents' patience and understanding during this much-needed project! For those needing additional information, please email publicworks@belton.org.


This project is funded with GO Bonds that were approved by voters in April 2019, Sanitary Sewer budget, and Water budget.


Hillcrest Road and Sunset Lane,  64012  View Map

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