City of Belton Community Survey Results - ETC Institute

Published on July 21, 2021


The City of Belton received a grant from Mid-America Regional Council to pay for a City wide survey. The survey was conducted by the ETC Institute.

ETC is a national leader in market research for local governmental organizations. ETC has surveyed more than 2,000,000 persons surveyed since 2009 in more than 900 cities in 49 states. Their mission is to helping organizations make better decisions.

The purpose of the survey was to:

·      Assess the City’s recycling services and opinions on new services and facilities.

·      Objectively assess satisfaction with the delivery of City services.

·      Compare the City’s performance with other communities.

·      Help determine priorities for the community.

The survey is a statistically valid representation. Surveys were sent out by mail and online to random sample of households in the City; 423 surveys were filled out and mailed back.


City Council will use these results in upcoming discussions and strategic planning for the future of the City of Belton.


City of Belton Community Survey Results(PDF, 6MB)

Recycling Survey Results (PDF, 3MB)

Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results (PDF, 4MB)

Public Safety Satisfaction Survey Results(PDF, 3MB)

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