City Council’s Strategic Plan for the Future

Published on December 30, 2021

Strategic Planning Pillars 2021

City Council participated in a strategic planning session facilitated by Dr. Mike Mowery, president of Leadership Development for Strategic Government Resources (SGR) to set priorities and pillars for the future of Belton. A key role of elected officials in every municipality is to plan the future of their city through actionable items. These pillars clarify City Council’s intent for the city staff. Progress can be tracked over a three to five-year period.


The key pillars for City Council are beautification and residential improvements, diverse economic development, infrastructure, public safety, and quality of life, detailed below:


Beautification and Residential Improvements

·       Maintain consistent code enforcement.

·       Continue to develop successful programs to address needs.

·       Invest in infrastructure that also leads to beautification.

·       Encourage and recognize the efforts of other stakeholders working on beautification.

·       Partner with developers to promote high standards in residential developments.


Diverse Economic Development

·       Revitalize Old Town, including a new city hall.

·       Revitalize North Scott.

·       Focus on important transportation corridors.

·       Develop Markey Business Park.

·       Promote workforce development.

·       Provide medical facilities needed to accommodate the growth in the population.

·       Start an art commission.

·       Explore developing an entertainment district.



·       Replace waterlines once they are past useful life. Plan for future water needs.

·       Continue the street reconstruction program.

·       Create a long-term maintenance plan for roads.

·       Update the transportation plan.

·       Maintain sanitary sewers within capacity.

·       Address stormwater needs to reduce the number of homes that experience flooding.

·       Maintain city buildings and make plans for future needs.


Public Safety

·       Reduce illegal activities in our city.

·       Maintain and expand public safety capacities to serve growing population.

·       Educate the public about the City’s public safety departments.


Quality of Life

·       Ensure development plans include both neighborhood parks and central parks, green space, and trails to promote connectivity.

·       Seek to provide diverse housing options.

·       Seek to bring in good-paying jobs.

·       Seek to expand higher education by bringing a four-year college to Belton.

·       Partner with local agencies to address homelessness in Belton.

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