Innovative Program Launches for Old Town Belton

Published on March 31, 2021

Great news for Old Town!  Main Street and the surrounding neighborhood make up the original city of Belton with the majority of structures built between 1872 and 1930. Over the past 100-plus years, much of the Old Town Belton area, as a whole, has not been properly maintained and also has some vacant or undeveloped property.  

The city recognizes the value of Old Town Belton and is working proactively to encourage its redevelopment through the newly adopted Chapter 353 program, out of which the Old Town Belton Redevelopment Plan was created. The 353 program grants real property tax abatement to Old Town Belton business and residential property owners in exchange for rehabilitation work that makes significant improvements to their property.

The voluntary Old Town Belton Redevelopment Plan allows property owners, within the district, to receive 90 percent real property tax abatement for up to 15 years, based on the level of investment and improvements.

The minimum investment level is $15,000 and for that level, all improvements must be exterior. The three higher levels of investment require that at least 50 percent of the improvements be exterior. In the total cost of improvements, program applicants can include the cost of labor – either hired or self-help labor.

“We hope that residential and commercial property owners within the Old Town Belton boundaries will take advantage of this program,” said Carolyn Yatsook, Belton’s economic development director. “It will eliminate blight, which will then strengthen the business community as well as the residential neighborhood making Old Town a place that more people want to reinvest in.”

This is a win-win program for Old Town Belton property owners. A property owner within the Redevelopment Plan boundaries can make improvements to their structure, which will increase their property value and improve its appearance. When the applicant completes their rehabilitation project real property tax abatement is triggered and, in some cases, the project will nearly pay for itself over time.

Property owners who are interested in using the Chapter 353 program are encouraged to go to Belton’s economic development website to learn more about the program.  When ready to move forward, please contact