Public Safety Sales Tax Update
Published on June 21, 2022
Since the passage of the half cent Public Safety Sales Tax (PSST) in 2018, our Fire and Police departments have received funds that help keep Belton safe. The PSST funds are allocated to wages and benefits, the purchase of technology, system upgrades and life-saving equipment. Thank you, voters!
“The Public Safety Sales Tax greatly enhances the safety of the citizens of Belton, surrounding communities, as well as the safety and morale of our first responders,” said Belton Fire Chief John Sapp.
The PSST Oversight Committee meets semi-annually and most recently met in May to ensure the $6 million generated in FY2022 was spent appropriately and to approve FY2023’s budget items.
“The market for firefighters and paramedics has become very competitive in recent years,” said Sapp. “The addition of the Public Safety Sales Tax has allowed us to recruit and retain the quality service providers we currently have and to maintain up-to-date and reliable vehicles and equipment.”
Items for upcoming purchase for the Fire Department (reviewed by the PSST Oversight committee):
- Medic training
- Equipment for new engine
- Fitness equipment
- Thermal imaging cameras
- Defibrillator mounting system
- Hydraulic extrication rescue tools
- Tanker
- Brush truck
- Ambulance remount(s) (new chassis/base frame on existing vehicles)
- Shift commander vehicle
“The addition of the Public Safety Sales Tax has allowed us purchase state-of-the-art equipment and increase the quantity and quality of training,” said Belton Police Chief Scott Lyons. “With these funds, we are able to send officers to in-person trainings both locally and nationwide.”
Items for upcoming purchase for the Police Department (reviewed by the PSST Oversight committee):
- Academy training
- Desktop computer
- Laptop computers for patrol vehicles
- Network switches, wireless access
- License plate reader
- Laptop, monitor and docking station (11)
- SWAT/rapid deployment gas mask (11)
- Ballistic shields
- Riot shields and helmet (12)
- LRMS (law enforcement records management systems) to aid in regulatory compliance and safeguard important information
- CAD (computer-aided dispatch system) to increase officer and responder safety during incident response.
- Uniform/load bearing vests
- Forensic mapping
- Forensic drying cabinet
- Utility vehicle
- Enclosed tandem axle trailer
- Speed trailers with message boards
- Detective vehicles
- Special operations personnel van
- SWAT/rescue vehicle
- Patrol cars