Questions 2 & 3 Work Together To Address Water Line Issues
Published on March 30, 2022
Belton’s water lines are failing and are far past their useful life. On April 5th voters will consider Questions 2 and 3, which work together to address water line issues.
If both Question 2: revenue bonds and Question 3: extension of the ½ cent capital improvements sales tax – are passed by voters, Belton’s aged-out water lines will be replaced in five years with no water debt service rate increase.
Why are Questions 2 and 3 important? The city has more than 22 miles of cast iron water lines that were installed between 1940 and 1960; and more than three miles of asbestos cement water lines that were installed in the 1950s. The average lifespan of these pipes is 50 to 75 years. Failing and breaking water lines can negatively impact citizens by affecting their water service, damaging roads, driveways and sidewalks and possibly contaminating active water lines.
The Mayor’s Task Force on Water Infrastructure came up with a solution to replace the city’s failing water lines and avoid previously planned rate increases for water line replacement. The task force recommended $60 million in revenue bonds and the extension of the existing ½ cent capital improvement sales tax, to pay the principal and interest on the revenue bonds. City council approved their recommendation.
“I truly believe that this plan is the solution to allow us to repair the water infrastructure while keeping monthly water costs down for our residents and families,” said Mayor Norman Larkey Sr.
If both Questions 2 and 3 are approved by voters, there will be no water debt service rate increase for much-needed water line replacement and, as funds allow the construction of a water tower on the northeast side of the city. The new water tower will guarantee water pressure throughout Belton and provide a water source on the east side of the city.
Make sure to get out and vote on April 5th, 2022. Click here to find your polling location.