Utility Bill Breakdown
Published on September 30, 2021
Below is a breakdown of a mock utility bill to help you better understand the terms, fees, and calculations on your monthly utility bill which covers three services: sewer, water, and trash.
Utility Bill Terms
Minimum: base fee, usage less than 15 HGALs.
HGAL: Hundred gallons
Debt Service: set fee for utilizing City services contributes to funding the replacement of aging infrastructure.
Sewer Usage Total
The sewer part of your bill consists of:
- MINIMUM (value of less than 15 HGALs) is the minimum charge to have City sewer service.
- USAGE VALUE OVER 15 HGALS is calculated at $1.6002 per 100 gals
- SEWER DEBT SERVICE is a set charge that is used to repay the principal and interest payments on debt approved by voters to make improvements to the wastewater treatment plant.
Water Usage Total
The water section of your bill consists of:
- MINIMUM (value of less than 15 HGALs) is the minimum charge to have City water service.
- USAGE VALUE OVER 15 HGALS is calculated at $1.1538 per 100 gal.
- WATER DEBT SERVICE is a set charge that is used to repay the principal and interest payments on debt approved by voters to build a water tower and make improvements to the water distribution system.
Trash Total
- TRASH is a set fee for utilizing City trash services, collected by WCA/GFL.
- Optional additional trash fees include:
o Second bin $4.90/month
o Trash tags, for additional trash bags to be put out with your trash cart, can be purchased at City Hall sheets of 5 for $6.50
What does Past Due Balance mean? If there is a balance from a previous bill, it will show on your current bill, and be added to the bill’s total. If your bill is not paid on time, there is a 10 percent penalty on the whole bill. If you do not pay the past due balance by the set date at 5 p.m. an additional $35 fee is added, and services will be shut off.
Where does my money go? Your monthly payment covers the cost of the services provided to your household during the billing period and assists in accruing funds used to replace aging infrastructure and payments for principal and interest on debt that was issued to make improvements to the distribution system.
Replacing aging infrastructure benefits all citizens. Setting money aside is a proactive approach to help address the problem faced by most cities – aging water and wastewater infrastructure. The more money set aside and budgeted to fix Belton’s aging infrastructure lessens the need for higher cost emergency repairs.
There are multiple ways to pay your utility bill:
- Visit https://www.belton.org/Government/Departments/Finance/Utility-Billing/WaterSewer-Bill-Payments to pay online.
- Drop an envelope with your check and bill into the drop box (on the building to the left of the doors) at City Hall, 506 Main Street.
- Come see us at City Hall, 506 Main Street, and pay at the utility counter with card, cash, orcheck (Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
- Mail a check to City Hall, 506 Main Street, with your bill.
- Call (816) 892.1290 to pay over the phone (Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
We are here to help you understand your utility bill, please reach out if you have additional questions.