Public Works Department
Demolition & Removal of Five Commercial Buildings & Miscellaneous Materials & Debris
Project Description
Demolition of five commercial buildings located at 102, 104, 106, 107, and 112 Commercial Street, Belton, MO 64012. Demolition includes removal of all building contents, miscellaneous materials outside the buildings, slabs and rough grading to drain properly using onsite materials. Contractor will obtain all necessary permits and provide all necessary notifications and inspections at least 10 days prior to demolition or as otherwise required. Contractor will provide all labor, materials, and equipment to demolish the buildings and haul all debris to a properly permitted facility.
RFP documents can be seen (viewing low resolution images online is free) or purchased for a non-refundable fee online at in their online Plan Room. For access assistance, please contact Drexel directly by phone at 913-471-4430 or by email at Information regarding this RFP can be found in the “Public Jobs” link on Drexel’s website.
All requests for information related to this project should be directed to:
Bob Orr, Engineer I
Telephone: 816-892-1293
The Public Works Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids not deemed acceptable.