City of Belton Fire Department
Request for Proposal
Fire Station 2, 16300 N. Mullen Rd.
Belton, Missouri 64012
RFP# 24-025
Submittal Deadline
August 20th 2024
10:00 a.m.
Envelopes must be clearly marked with the RFP# 24-025. Sealed proposals will be received by the Fire Department of the City of Belton at Belton Fire Station 2, 16300 N. Mullen Rd., Belton, Missouri, 64012 until 10:00 a.m., local time, on August 20th 2024, at which bidding will be closed. All bids will be opened and read aloud. A late Proposal Packet is one received after 10:00 a.m., local time, at the time and place of the opening as stated. The decision as to the correct time for the openings shall be made by the Fire Chief of the City of Belton and that decision shall be final. Proposals received after the deadline date and time will be returned unopened. It shall be the responsibility of those submitting a proposal to assure themselves that their proposal has been received by the City of Belton.
All proposals must be accompanied by a Certificate of Insurance showing General Liability and Workman’s Compensation (as applicable) insurance coverages and naming the City of Belton as a certificate holder.
Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, county and municipal laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, affirmative action, equal employment, fair labor standards and all applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended. Contractor agrees to ensure sub-contractors and their employees comply with all applicable laws and regulations aforementioned.
Projects exceeding $75,000 requires the application of prevailing wage.
Contractor shall provide a prospective start date for the project and amount of time needed to complete the project.
Pursuant to RSMo 610.021.12 all documents within a request for proposal will become open record to the public upon a negotiated contract being executed. All documents within a request for bid become open record as soon as the bid is opened. Bidders and proposers should be aware that all documents within a submittal will become open records.
The Contractor agrees that the City may withhold any and all payment for damage or destruction, blatant or otherwise, incurred to the City’s property caused by poor performance or defective equipment or materials or personnel employed or utilized by the Contractor. Additionally, it is agreed the Contractor shall also be liable to the City for replacement of materials or services occasioned by such breach.
The City agrees to pay the Contractor for the completed work as follows: 100% of the contract shall be paid within thirty (30) days of completion of each section of this proposal – inspection and remediation, walk-through and acceptance by the City. The City will be the sole judge as to the sufficiency of the work performed
The City of Belton is exempt from state sales tax and federal excise tax. Tax exemption certificates indicating this tax-exempt status will be furnished on request, and therefore, the City shall not be charged taxes for materials or labor.
The City reserves the right to reject portions or all of any and all bids, to waive technical defects in the bid, and to waive informalities or deficiencies therein to negotiate with any or all bidders or others for more favorable terms or prices and to award the contract to other than the bidder submitting the lowest cost bid proposal with or without negotiation and to determine which is the lowest, best, and more responsive to accept, at its option, any alternates.
The Fire Department requests at least three references of similar work within the past six months including contact names and numbers.
Questions regarding this proposal and or scheduling access to the proposed work areas should be submitted to:
John Sapp, Fire Chief Todd Yohe Battalion Chief
816.830-1483 816.695.5509