Comprehensive Plan Update

The City of Belton is excited to begin the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan to create a long-term vision for Belton through 2050 and beyond. This roughly 10-month process will include many opportunities for public engagement and feedback. Check back for updates!

Belton's Comprehensive Plan



The Belton Comprehensive Plan project is nearing completion and we need your input! Please visit the project website here: to review the future land use map, draft goals and chapters, and provide feedback on Belton's future!

Upcoming Engagement Events

  • April - June 2024 - draft chapters of the Comprehensive Plan will be released for public review and comment as each chapter is completed. 
  • Comprehensive Plan Open House events (attend any or all!):
    • N. Scott Corridor Open House - Thursday, June 27, 2024, 1:00-3:00 PM, at Meet Me on Main (515 Main St.)
    • Old Town/Downtown Open House - Thursday, June 27, 2024, 3:00-5:00 PM, at Meet Me on Main (515 Main St.)
    • Communitywide Open House - Thursday, June 27, 2024, 5:00-7:00 PM, at Meet Me on Main (515 Main St.)
  • August 2024 - the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan is anticipated to be reviewed for consideration of approval by the Planning Commission by Resolution. A public hearing is required by the Planning Commission prior to adoption. If approved by the Planning Commission, the final Comprehensive Plan will be provided to the City Council for formal adoption by Resolution.


Please email us at with any questions, or give us a call!


Current comprehensive plan:

Belton Comprehensive Plan (1992)(PDF, 107MB)